Dr Alan Littler advises the national and international gambling industry as a member of the Gaming & gambling Practice. The focus of Alan’s work is for remote gambling operators and adjacent activities, such as social gaming. He also advises those providing services to the sector, e.g. payment services providers, and covers regulatory developments in the lottery and casino markets. Current interests include issues concerning data protection and privacy around gambling.
Alan has a strong academic background in European law, holding a LL.M. (cum laude) in European Community Law from Leiden University, and moreover having been awarded his PhD from Tilburg University for research on the regulation of gambling and EU law. His research was published under the title Member States versus the European Union: The Regulation of Gambling by Martinus Nijhoff in 2011.
In keeping with his academic background Alan contributes to both academic conferences and publications, as well as industry outlets. He regularly contributes to publications such as European Gaming Lawyer, has authored the chapter about the Netherlands in Thomson Reuter’s Global Gaming Guide as well as writing the monthly “Legal and Regulatory Update” for Gaming in Holland. He co-organised a one-day conference entitled Regulating Online Gambling in the EU – Recommendation 2014/478/EU on Player Protection – Where Do We Go From Here?, with the Centre for Commercial Legal Studies, Queen Mary University of London, hosted in Paris in November 2014. In addition to lecturing on the topic at QMUL, as of 2016, he convenes the module on the regulation of online gambling in QMUL’s LLM in Computer and Communications Law by Distance Learning. He also undertakes research about gambling regulation with QMUL. Alan also served on the Advisory Board of A Full House: Developing a New Socio-Legal Theory of Gambling Regulation (“The Bingo Project”) at Kent Law School (University of Kent, Canterbury) which ran from 2013 until 2016.
Alan is an Extramural Fellow of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), Tilburg University and a member of the International Association of Gaming Advisors.
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