
GIH Conference 2020 a great success

Posted on 9 October 2020 by Joris Crone

On Tuesday 22 September, the Gaming in Holland 2020 Conference was held at the historical Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Despite the various social distancing measures in place, the event was a great success. Numerous speakers participated either by physically attending the event or by providing their valuable insights remotely.

The theme of the day was of course the future licensing process for remote games of chance in the Netherlands, made possible by the Remote Gambling Act. The new target date on which the regime enters into force: 1 March 2021.

René Jansen, chairman of the Netherlands Gambling Authority (“NGA”), delivered the keynote speech at the conference. Jansen revealed what can be expected from the NGA the coming months. Various policy rules and guidance documents can be expected from the regulator, as a way to prepare both land-based and remote operators for the upcoming Dutch remote gambling regime.

After Jansen’s speech, the IMGL Masterclass took place. Kalff Katz & Franssen’s very own Frank Tolboom and Alan Littler offered the first part of this IMGL Masterclass, discussing how to already start preparing for the remote gambling licence application process. The future Dutch regulations introduce several requirements unique to the European gambling landscape. Examples are the local addiction prevention representative and the 32-month cooling-off period prior to one’s licence application. Frank and Alan’s main message: it is vital to start preparing with the licence application sooner rather than later. Assess when your operations became compliant with the cooling-off period criteria, and perform a gap analysis not only for the technical and regulatory requirements, but also for the requested documentation during the remote licence application.

Undoubtedly helpful in preparing the licence application is gathering all relevant pieces of legislation, policy rules and guidance available to date and keep this updated going forward, as more information will be published sporadically by the NGA. Kalff Katz & Franssen has developed the KKF Licensing and Compliance Portal. This Portal contains all relevant documentation – from legislation and NGA’s guidance and policy rules, to KKF overviews per theme – to assist future applicants with their preparation. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require more information on this. 

The second half of the IMGL Masterclass consisted of Justin Franssen, partner at Kalff Katz & Franssen, Peter-Paul de Goeij, director of the Netherlands Online Gambling Association (NOGA) and Birgitte Sand, former Director General of Danish regulator Spillemyndigheden, providing valuable lessons learned from the Danish regulated remote gambling market.

The rest of the day was filled with high quality and valuable presentations by different speakers on a variety of topics, for example responsible gambling and sustainable advertising.

A recording of the one-hour IMGL Masterclass can be found below:

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Joris Crone


About the author

Joris Crone is an associate at Kalff Katz & Franssen working in the Practice Group Gaming & gambling.

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